dimanche 12 mai 2013

Yes we can ! .....survive...

If you feel concern about the world economy collapse or the end of the world as we know it or simply feel concern about home defense, green projects, gear, nature you can check the many survivalist websites on the net. for those of french language check the most famous preppers aka Volwest on : http://lesurvivaliste.blogspot.fr/

I started to build my own survival backup in my house, gathering food, tools, wood, growing vegetables and training to shoot with guns.

This, which could look like paranoia, is nothing less than what did our grand parents or farmers or people in most parts of the world today. this is not a matter of building a bunker filled with thousand of ammo and assault rifles. this is more about gardening and getting independent from the system. if you don't like being dependent from someone else (from your government in this case) if you care about your family, if you just want to give your life more sense, if you like nature (and I guess you do or won't have reach this blog)  and share experience with others then, you should go for survival.

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